Thursday 1/16
- 11am Lamb Center Meals for the Homeless
- 11am Service @ Burke Health Care
- 7pm Coed Pick-Up Volleyball
- 7pm Kairos YA Men’s Bible Study in Room 102 (
- 7pm Kairos YA Ladies Bible Study in Lobby (
- 7pm Miller Herndon Life Group (
Saturday 1/18
- Noon Evangelism Team meeting at JCC to canvas
- 3pm Corporate Prayer in the Fellowship Hall
Sunday 1/19
- Worship Services 9am & 11am
- 10:10am Sunday School
- 6pm Men’s & Women’s Fellowship Groups; Ignite Youth; JCC Kidz
- 7:30pm We are the People Prayer in the Sanctuary
Monday 1/20
- Office Holiday
- 7pm Coed Pick-Up Basketball
Tuesday 1/21
- 10am JCC Ladies Morning Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
- 7pm Miller Fairfax Station Life Group (
- 7pm JCC Ladies Evening Bible Study by ZOOM (
Wednesday 1/22
- 7pm Virtual Bible Study with Pastor Mike (
- 7:15-8:30pm Family Night @ JCC
- -Rangers & Girl’s Ministries
- -Adult Interactive Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
- 7:30pm Worship Team Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Thursday 1/23
- 7pm Coed Pick-Up Volleyball
- 7pm Kairos Young Adult Fellowship in Rooms 212/213
Friday 1/24
- 7pm Spirit Powered Evangelism Life Group Centreville (
- 7pm JCC Latino Life Group @ JCC Fellowship Hall (
- 7pm Rangers “Frostbite” Campout
Saturday 1/25
- Rangers “Frostbite” Campout
Sunday 1/26
- Worship Services 9am & 11am
- 10:10am Sunday School
- 5pm Altar Workers meeting in Room 102
- 6pm Healing Gathering with Rachel & Josh Hirscher; Ignite Youth; JCC Kidz